Retired Things
Badge Icon Badge Name Badge Description
MrA’s Original Fiction Prompt Winner Winners of the Original Fiction Prompt Contest hosted by MrAccident
1st Place AoE winner First place in the Apple of Enlightenment contest
1st Place AoE winner x50 First place in the 50th Apple of Enlightenment contest
The ORIGINAL Fanfiction Prompt Badge Decay badge awarded for participation in Mr. A's Fanfiction Prompts (no longer in circulation)
Robo Mobster Played in the robot Mafia forum game
Organic Mobster Played in the Mafia forum game
Did the Wess Dance for all to see Participated in the Wess Dance contest
Go by the Book Read the rules back
Mr. Theory Wrote an exceptional theory
Poems and Songs winner Won the Poems and Songs contest
Background Contest Winner Won the BG contest
EBC Badge Gave feedback to or helped with EarthBound Central
Tomato Boxes Promoted Tomato Boxes
GameSwag Promoted
Modded Minecraft Donation Badge Donated money to keep an official Fangamer modded Minecraft server running, now defunct