Badge Icon Badge Name/Description Badge Owner
unidentified unidentified
unidentified Stevesesy, Ants
unidentified MashySoup
unidentified Frodis
unidentified EBounding
Something something Weezer Carparama, ShadowX
Homemade Pasta (SMCon 2007) GimeC
unidentified unidentified
Gigantic Ball Butt made for Burger Trash video xfisjmg1
ROFISH badge T. Southerland and an unidentified person
Black and White Sesame Seeds Lacy (Black sesame seed), Ffish (White sesame seed)
unidentified unidentified
Best Friends Forever Carparama and Stevesesy <3
Given as condolences after the passing of WhoopA Suttercane and WhoopA's mother
Chick badge for chicks Satsy, others
Continuum Tournament winner (?) Carparama
Something something Natelie Portman Garfep
Given to fobby king for being the fobby king (?) fobbyking (?)
Broke records in Armadillo Run zuishiba
Artemis the Cat! Artemis251
Won a bet with Katon, wager was his badges. Katon later wanted his badges back, so Ranger got to keep a copy of the badges Ranger
Pizza badge of shame Carparama
Terrible Mach Pizza badge-making effort Jeffman
Yoshistar was generous with Mews Yoshistar
bugs BUG?
Something something game boy camera hawaiian
Women's Small Krystleis, NeoPaula, Lacy
Dr. Hobo lost a bet and ate paper Dr. Hobo
Buck Fever wanted 20 badges and that’s what he got Buck Fever
Result of a Mr Accident experiment to create badges invisible to the owner EmpoleMew
Flew into a frenzy KingDarian
Stevesesy’s badges took up a lot of room Stevesesy (formerly)
Given to the only two contributors to nb2k's EB Trivia Revival badge contest Sith and Buck Fever
unidentified Sling
unidentified unidentified
A PK Hack God, ladies and gentleman Radiation
Avatar Czar Badge, totally not an abuse of power First is Spyden, second is METC
EB Shoes/Soda design contests AshenCitidal
Excellent educational megaposts about beekeeping Ketchupface
Stevesesy & Dr. Hobo got engaged Stevesesy and Dr. Hobo
Mr. Tenda built CoilSnake which is a major stride in EB Hacking Mr. Tenda
KissOfCamine's dedication to making Starmen.net Secret Santa a now long-standing site tradition KissOfCamine
Show Oversized Badges/Former Avatars